January 2014 – News
1. An icy blast of scepticism
2. Bring science to climate policy
3. Abbott backs review of wind farms
4. MIT fusion research paper earns Nuclear Fusion Journal Award
5. France To Try A New Approach To Laser Fusion, As Europe Reorganizes Its Program Toward A Post-ITER Power Reactor
6. A dazzling bright future dawns in New Jersey
7. Breakthrough: One step closer to nuclear fusion power station
8. Europe Focuses Fusion Research on Building a Working Power Reactor
9. Sophisticated miniatures: IPP developing bolometers for ITER
10. France struggles to cut down on nuclear power
11. Japan to create nuclear meltdown to learn how to deal with disasters like Fukushima
12. Policies hold European nuclear steady
13. Green dream on ice as ‘coal frenzy’ grips Europe and renewables lose their attraction
14. Mother Nature suggests the party’s over for IPCC
1. Sun’s slowdown leaves scientists baffled
2. Wind fails test as demand soars
3. Scientists Say Their Giant Laser Has Produced Nuclear Fusion
4. Fusion: Update on the International ITER Project
5. Croatian companies interested in constructing ITER fusion reactor
6. Mining the Moon: Plans Taking Off, but Rules Lacking
7. UK nuclear sector to benefit from new remote handling facility
8. Nuclear fusion: Julich’s role in ITER
9. Nuclear Waste Solution Seen in Desert Salt Beds
10. Huge Leak of Coal Ash Slows at North Carolina Power Plant
11. European Lawmakers Try to Spur Market for Carbon-Emission Credits
12. A Huge Solar Plant Opens, Facing Doubts About Its Future
13. Livermore Lab’s fusion energy tests get closer to ‘ignition’
14. NIF experiments show initial gain in fusion fuel
15. Science Linking Drought to Global Warming Remains Matter of Dispute
16. Study Finds Methane Leaks Negate Benefits of Natural Gas as a Fuel for Vehicles
17. Water-Cleaning Technology Could Help Farmers
1. Coal will ‘dominate global power sector for decades’
2. Japan’s Fukushima nuclear plant leaks radioactive water
3. Alcator C-Mod experiment operates with restored funds
4. Myths and wishful thinking pollute global warming debate
6. New Review Slams Fusion Project’s Management
7. Uniformity: the secret of better fusion ignition (Vol. 45 No. 1)
8. US taking a hard look at its involvement in ITER
9. McNider and Christy: Why Kerry Is Flat Wrong on Climate Change
10. International research into controlled nuclear fusion (ITER project), gets more computer resources with expansion of the Helios supercomputer
11. Danish measuring equipment to measure 200 million degrees plasma
12. Beijing seeks billions for more nuclear plants
1. Greenland ice sheet now ‘unstable’
2. 25 years ago a dream caught fire — and died
3. Warmists pull their heads in on big calls
4. Eureka! How a magic doughnut that fakes the sun could save our planet: But the Chinese will get it first thanks to the billions we spend on the ‘eco-power’ gravy train
5. Endless energy? Fusion science is one step closer to building a star on earth
6. Fusion power could end fossil fuel use
7. No sure bets in the climate debate
8. Panel in search of message to keep it in the game
9. IPCC calls for energy transformation
10. China seeks clean, sustainable energy for growth
11. Japan retains nuclear in energy mix
12. German law limits renewable growth
13. Eight renewable energy projects approved
14. Global dip in renewable energy investment
1. The Opinion Pages -The Right Lessons From Chernobyl
2. Livermore ends LIFE
3. Power Engineer – Nuclear Power Europe continues fusion reactor funding
4. Hinkley Point nuclear power contract ‘may be invalid’
5. New student organization aims to educate, achieve nuclear fusion
6. Nuclear fusion research powers ahead with switch-on of new €1B German reactor
7. Renewables pave path to poverty
8. Russia awards icebreaker contracts
9. Landmarks for Chinese reactors
10. Taking on Fukushima
11. UK and Japan join forces on nuclear energy
12. Nuclear bond between France and Japan
13. Obama touts energy plans, W. House trumpets solar panels
15. Utah a hotbed for nation’s geothermal growth in 2013
16. Days After Climate Report, White House Makes Clean-Energy Push
17. Antarctic wind ‘steals our rain’
18. Back to the future: are we about to crack energy fusion?
19. Collapse of Antarctic ice sheet is underway and unstoppable but will take centuries
20. Melting of Antarctic glaciers ‘unstoppable’
1. Climate rate research banned as ‘unhelpful’
2. Subsidy scam hurt the energy sector
3. Fusion Stellarator Starts Up
4. Test rig for world’s biggest experimental fusion reactor
5. Toshiba Wins a Contract for ITER’s Superconducting Coils
6. Fire and ice: Melting Antarctic poses risk of volcanic activity, study shows
7. BMT continues to develop its nuclear capability
8. Monster Machines: An Overdue Reactor That Could Be The Key To Our Fusion Revolution
9. Obama unveils historic rules to reduce coal pollution by 30%
10. Earth scientists split on climate change statement
11. Will Obama’s carbon plan survive 2
12. Nuclear China to hurt coal exports
13. Contract for Iter remote handling system
14. First concrete for second Belarus unit
15. Fukushima ice wall under construction
16. Atucha 2 nearing startup
17. Europe looks to boost energy security
18. Federal funding agreed for NuScale
19. Barakah 1 reactor vessel delivered
20. Fuel loading at Fuqing 1
21. Cost Skyrockets for United States’ Share of ITER Fusion Project
22. Doubts on climate consensus
1. Senate panel orders US withdrawal from ITER
2. Russia’s Beloyarsk-4 Ready To Begin Nuclear Reaction
3. Kalpakkam FBR to be commissioned in March 2015
4. Wind turbine fires ‘ten times more common than thought’, experts warn
5. Offshore wind farms in doubt as subsidy pot can fund just one project
6. Wind farm expansion will see more factories paid to switch off
7. China Wants Nuclear Reactors—Fast
8. Britain Pushes Hard on Nuclear Power
9. No-strings £40m for nuclear dumps
10. Biomass power plants “less green than coal fired”
11. Harnessing stellar power
12. F4E collaborates with IDOM on high tech ITER systems
14. Australia’s first nuclear waste dump in limbo after Muckaty Station ruled out
15. Small Nuclear Power Reactors
16. Five-year delay would spell end of ITER
17. University of Saskatchewan lab to test materials for fusion reactor
18. Fusion energy facility promises clean energy
19. Europe signs its final contract for ITER Toroidal Field coils
20. Though Scorned by Colleagues, a Climate-Change Skeptic Is Unbowed
21. California dreaming is nuts in NSW
1.Canberra’s costly carbon follies outdo even the danes
2.Renewables in the doldrums
3.Electricity by intermittent sources: An analysis based on the German situation 2012
4.We’re ill-prepared if the iceman cometh
5.Solar cycles linked to climate pause, assist in coastal planning
6.Aboriginal push to host nuclear waste dump sparks land council ructions
7.Glacier loss ‘man-made’: blame for two-thirds of rapid melting
8.ITER Nuclear Fusion Tokamak Could Be “The Way” to Solve World’s Energy Problems
10.Neutron facility needed to speed up fusion development
11.Could the moon fuel Earth for 10,000 years? China says mining helium from our satellite may help solve the world’s energy crisis
12.Could Lower Fusion Reactor Costs
13.From fission to fusion: the need for a quick transition
14. A well-prepared routeAugust 2014 – News
1. Californiasolar plant frying birds in the sky
2. Bureau of Meteorology ‘altering climate figures’
3. Heat is on over weather bureau ‘homogenising temperature records’
4. Fusion Strategic Plan Released
5. Sun, wind and drain
6. ‘Amateurs’ challenging Bureau of Meteorology climate figures
7. Bureau of Meteorology told to be more transparent
8. Groupthink reigns in climate change research
9. News articles describe heightened IPCC urgency
10. Weatherman’s records detail heat that ‘didn’t happen’
11. The 10 million-piece nuclear puzzle
12. Foundation in place for Iter Tokamak
13. UK government paves way for Chinese nuclear plant
14. New French energy policy to limit nuclear
15. Bureau of Meteorology defended over temperature records by climate scientists
16. Nuclear Regulatory Commission decision is seen as a “game-changer”
17. ITER receives first plant components
18. Editorial: PPPL fusion work will focus on the future of energy
19. CO2 levels in record increase: WMO
20. Bureau of Meteorology warms to transparency over adjusted records
21. Record expansion sees Antarctic sea ice confound climate scientists
1. Birmingham brings early change to bureau review
2. Nuclear power ‘needed’ to keep cheap energy alive
3. Fusion power: Iterative processes
4. Confusing climate of change ahead of New York summit
5. Climate Science Is Not Settled
6. Climate not as sensitive to carbon dioxide
7. Climate is right for a probe into the Bureau of Meteorology
8. Canada switches on world’s first carbon capture power plant
9. NASA rules out deep ocean for hidden heat
10.IPCC calculations show global warming won’t be harmful if it resumes
11.Powering the future with plasma fusion
12. Boost for nuclear fusion research
13. Future of fusion to be discussed at conference
1. Lockheed says makes breakthrough on fusion energy project
2. Studies find plants warming to effect of carbon emissions
3. Plant growth, ocean studies show climate science far from settled
4. NATURE|NEWS:EXPLAINER Lockheed Martin’s fusion goals meet scepticism
5. A pause for this message: climate change numbers aren’t adding up
6. 15-year warming pause is ‘settled’
7. ENERGY & ENVIRONMENT Generating Power From Tidal Lagoons
8. Carbon Capture and Storage has arrived, get over it, Global CCS Institute boss tells deniers
9. The nuclear option must be high on agenda of energy green paper
10. Inconvenient truths ignored by the climate propaganda machine
11. UV light shed on carbon storage
12. G20 can cold-front climate lobby
13. R&D centre to seek 200 engineers
14. Massive Stage Awaits Nuclear Giant
15. Are mini fusion power plants possible? Lockheed Martin’s compact reactor concept / fusion drives for aircraft and trucks?
16. Oct 23 2014 : The Times of India (Kolkata) Fusion energy holds key to power dream
17. Natural gas the best way to act now on greenhouse gas emissions
18. Kyoto deja vu as Paris becomes Copenhagen
19. Can Nuclear Fusion Save the Planet?
1.Don’t get too excited, no one has cracked nuclear fusion yet
2.UK units cleared for restart after boiler checks
3.Rio pushes for nuclear power in energy debate
4.Nuclear stand “terribly strange”
5.NATURE | NEWS ITER’s new chief will shake up troubled fusion reactor
6.Science Insider New ITER boss promises to streamline management and repair ties with the U.S.
7.UK government urged to look at SMR costs
8.Scientists sign nuclear entreaty